This little logo takes it's cue from the "Side Yard" logo I designed (it's a little further down the page). It was printed on tshirts for the "Backyard Gardens Softball" team. There was a problem though. The logo was meant for the back of the shirt and the folks I gave it to printed it on the front of the shirt. Why does that matter? If you ever see a female over the age of fourteen with a "Backyard Gardens" shirt you'll notice the "back" and the "dens" excentuating the curvature of her chest. I learned a major lesson with this one. (Oddly I'm wearing the shirt as I type, however it doesn't look funny on me as I have little to no pectorals anyway.)


The Latino laborer is the backbone of the unskilled labor force on the West coast. They are hands down the hardest and least expensive labor to be found. They break their backs for pennies doing menial jobs. Though they deserve our respect we do not give it to them. When I was a kid my father hired a man off the street corner to help till a garden he was making for my mother. He worked hard with my Dad digging and moving earth. I remember my mom making him lunch. A man willing to work deserves far more respect than a man with a cup. Deserves far more respect than the blood sucking executive lounging. Deserves more than being unemployed.
Also, they don't wear red pants and a pointy witches cap. I made that up myself.