Chainsaw Logo (ignore watermark)

This is my logo. It took me two weeks to get where I wanted to. People usually associate chainsaws with horror movies. I really tried hard to make it friendly and simple. I'm finding the simple stuff is often the hardest to get to. Sorry about the watermark but I think a dude has been lifting my shit. With the constant influx of information from the internet respect for copyright has been watered down. I began asking permission to use peoples Flickr photos when I need them for an ad or any other project. I was walking through the hall of the Advertising Department of my school awhile ago and some crooked fucker had used one of my pictures for an ad. I would have taken it as a compliment but it was a miserable ad for Timbuk2 messenger bags. Luckily he didn't give me credit for the photo. He never will but I hope he reads this.

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